サイトアイコン イリオス新潟


Like the smooth shining
surface of water.
The polished body reflects a brilliant sight.
It will look like your car is shining like a crystal lake.
Even under the brightest sun or snow blizzard.
This is an ideal coating for any environment.
With the help of a Japanese chemical company
we have created a professional glass coating series called SEI.
Strong quality and a delicate gloss.
With these two elements combined we offer a beautiful finish.
With such an elegant shine you will stand out from the crowd!
You will be someone to envy.


This product comes with
certain proof in snow country.
Us at (Irios) Niigata.have over 20 years of experience in car detailing and glass coating technology.
We have proved ourselves time and time again with customer satisfaction.
(Irios)Niigata is in Niigata prefecture and is one of the heaviest snow areas is Japan.
In this harsh environment we have been able to develop this SEI product.
Make this a reality to your car with this unshakeable performance and high quality product.
A long lasting beautiful shine.
This Inorganic glass membrane is excellent in antifouling properties.
It’s highly resistant to organic properties such as insects
and bird feces as well as oil from hands and similar elements.
These are easily washed away by water.
Its also highly protected from acid and corrosion and water spotting.
The long lasting shine is also protected
from ultraviolet rays,heat,and harsh chemicals also.
A long lasting beautiful shine.
The polished body reflects a brilliant sight.
It will look like your car is shining like a crystal lake.
Even under the brightest sun or snow blizzard.
This is an ideal coating for any environment.
With the help of a Japanese chemical company
we have created a professional glass coating series called SEI.
Strong quality and a delicate gloss.
With these two elements combined we offer a beautiful finish.
With such an elegant shine you will stand out from the crowd!
You will be someone to envy.
Stability of strength
Bound in strength of the surface it has a hardness of 7-9H
With this combined flexibility and strength to impact,
after the hardening process you still don’t need to worry about cracking in the coating.
Its also easy to maintain this strength.

The choice of two types of application and finish.コーティング剤,コンパウンド,新潟

SEI series main type.
Forming of the smooth strong surface once the hardening is complete will keep at the maximum hardness at 7H. Strong against scratching and dirt and keep that beautiful finish on the body.
There is minimal burden on the paintwork, human body and environment.
Its all rounded and flexible ability gives the ultimum texture and hardness which makes it able to be applied in the thorough way.​
SEI3001 base application
Glass ingredient in the highest concentration is able to leave a thick coated shine. Its great workability means it can be applied within the appropriate amount of time. Beauty and strength together mean this glass ingredient leaves a powerful finish.
Gloss and water repellant sustainability makes it difficult for dirt to stick to this high quality hi-brid top coat. Increased tolerance to ultraviolet rays,heat, and harsh chemicals mean the application can be carried out with ease.


IRIOSU-Niigata Co.,Ltd
Contact Person : Morikawa Kazuaki
​Address : 6-9 Sanwachou Chuo-ku Niigata City Japan
Email : giyu@nifty.com
